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Practical Household Tips using Water

July 09, 20246 min read

Today, Aussie consumers are choosing organic foods for reasons of quality, and believe that by buying organic they are making better choices for their families and the planet and of course this is true.

 However, in their quest for a healthier and more wholesome self what they do not know is there is a missing piece of the puzzle.

 Our bodies are made up of over 70% water, it makes perfect sense that the quality of the water we consume must also determine our overall health and that of the environment.


 “Water itself does not heal the body, but given the right tools in the right environment, it will help your body to heal itself.”

 Let's now talk about the practical ways you can get the best out of your new kitchen appliance while saving dollars on your household budget.

To Begin with: This question is one I get asked all the time.

 'What can I use the “runoff “water for? ' It seems such a waste.

 Let me assure you that NOT A DROP OF WATER IS WASTED!!!!

 Your Kangen Water Machine makes 5 different types of water with more than 60 different uses, contributing to your overall health and the environment while saving you $$$$, it is like having an ATM on your Kitchen Bench.


 The list below is certainly not exhaustive but demonstrates the practicality and everyday use of the various pH waters produced by the Kangen Water Ioniser.




pH Scale


Neutral or Clean Water – pH 7. This water has been filtered by the machine but has not gone through the electrolysis process.

 Function: This water as the pH suggests, is clean non-ionised water.


·      Drinking – Fresh is always best. Recommended to drink this water with meals for smooth digestion.

·      Medications –Suggested to take prescribed medication with neutral water to prevent faster absorption


 Kangen /Drinking Water 8.5-9.5pH.

Function: Some will experience detoxifying symptoms as the body releases stored toxins and acidic waste.  Minimise by starting at 8.5pH upgrading weekly till you reach 9.5pH.


·      Drinking Water – 9.5pH

·      Baby Formula- 9.5pH will help make fats in the formula more easily digested and absorbable.

·      Cooking vegetables with 8.5pH enhances the flavour of the vegetables.

·      Coffee & teas – 8pH

·      Pets

·      Ice

·      Soup Stock: Make a pot of strong Kangen Tea made with 8.5pH, and use it as the stock, adding colour and flavour to your winter soups.

·      To prevent hangovers drink 2-3 cups before going to bed.

·      Use to germinate seeds


Beauty Water 6pH.

Function: Running 1st thing in the morning helps clean the plates and sheds any corrosive mineral deposits maintaining the efficiency of the machine, don’t waste this water simply splash it on your face for an early morning skin toner.

Uses: Always have a Spray bottle of Beauty Water handy for:

·      Spray on hair as a leave-in Hair Conditioner.

·      Spray on exposed areas such as face, arms and legs for the best-looking skin. Watch as it hydrates dry patches.

·      Use daily as a Skin Toner.

·      For dry eyes, simply spray on closed eyes and let them dry.

·      Spray on Dry Scalp

·      Use as a hair Detangler, it is great on fine hair, especially for kids.

·      Boiled your eggs and they will not leak or crack, plus they will peel more easily.

·      Pasta/Rice- Cook in BW to cook faster, taste better and fluffier

·      BW + Aloe Vera gel (put in a spray bottle) works a treat on thick curly hair and facial treatment.

·      Water your plants and water them grow.

·      Pop in some essential oil in your spray bottle and spray your dog, their hair will shine and smell great.

·      Use in the rinse cycle of your washing machine to soften clothes


 Strong Alkaline Water 11.5ph

Function: Cleaner & Degreaser

Uses: Keep a large spray bottle of 11.5pH in your kitchen, laundry and Bathrooms. Recommended to store in dark containers for laundry liquid to keep it fresher longer.


·      Used to clean your Stovetop, Oven, Microwave & B’B’Cue watch the fat melt away.

·      Remove insect stains on cars boats caravans

·      Soak your pots & pans for easier cleaning.

·      Laundry- pour 1 litre into the detergent dispenser- or over clothes in the washing machine bowl, magically cleans your clothes and is great for those with chemical sensitivities with no side effects.

·      Use as a stain remover before washing your clothes.

·      Great for a Foot Soak or a relief for tired legs- soak for 15-20 minutes

·      Spray your shower glass and tiles after use to remove oils and soapy residue.

·      Toilet Bowl Cleaner- Place 1 litre in the toilet bowl, let soak for 15 mins, and clean with a brush to remove stubborn stains.

·      Toilet Spray- add a few drops of your favourite essential oil when cleaning inside and outside your toilet bowl leaving a lasting fragrance

·      Use to clean floor tiles, great as a steam cleaner for hard floors and carpets.

·      Removes blood stains from carpets.

Other Uses:

·      Puffy eyes- spray on eyes/under the eyes or soak a cleansing pad and place it over the eyes.

·      Hot Bath- add 1 litre to bath water- works like Epson Salts

·      Nail Fungus- foot soak.

·      Spray on the area to soothe small burns and relieve sunburn.

·      Soak your fruit and vegetables in 11.5pH for 15 minutes to remove grease and pesticides before eating or cooking.

·      Use as a makeup remover/facial cleanser.

·      Use as a Nasal Spray to relieve allergies in

·      Night-nip (take a shot glass full for a good night’s sleep.)

·      Relief for of Tummy aches, use as above.

Strong Acidic Water 2.5pH.

Function: Sterilisation, Sanitisation & Disinfectant.

Uses: Keep a large spray bottle of 2.5pH in your kitchen, laundry and Bathrooms. Recommended to store it in dark containers to keep it fresher longer.

·      Use as a disinfectant for all household benches.

·      Soak your fruit & vegetables for 2 mins before soaking in 11.5pH

·      This water is a great alternative to commercial sanitisers, use it in your bathrooms and kitchen then carry a small spray bottle with you to use when out and about.

·      Spray on wounds, suture lines and scars. Promotes healing and disinfects.

·      Spray on or gauze pad to soak moles, warts and active blemishes on the skin- Note- this may take time and consistency for best results.

·      Use as a mouthwash- do not ingest.

·      Great as a sore throat just gargle, - do not ingest.

·      Antiperspirant- add a few drops of your favourite essential oil.

·      Nail Fungus- spray and dry before strong alkaline foot soak.

·      Wash metal objects such as knives and shower equipment which are prone to corrosion.

·      Pour down shower and kitchen drains to remove odours.





















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